Fall 2022 REM Groups
Below is a list of our current REM Groups. Some groups meet once per week for the first three weeks of the month. These groups are labeled as "Repeating." Others meet one to two times per month with their full group and then there is a meet up for only women and one for only men the other weeks.
Sunday 4PM Repeating
Lead by: Abby Hansen + Kreuschers
Location: Kreuscher home to start, then TBD by group
Tuesday 6PM Repeating
Lead by: Victoria + Jake Oliverson
Location: Rennicke Home
Tuesday 6PM Repeating
Lead by: Jackie + Ted Porath
Location: Mueller Home
Wednesday 6PM Repeating
Lead by: Sue Mathews, Chris Doerner
Location: Wauwatosa/West Milwaukee
Wednesday 6PM Rotating
Lead by: Matt Blievernicht + Morisseys + Kate Martin
Location: Morissey Home (Milwaukee)